Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Queen și Adam Lambert lansează „imnul liniei întâi”: „You Are The Champions”

În „era tehnologiei” totul este posibil; astfel o colaborare de acasă între Londra, Cornwall și Los Angeles a dat naștere unui proiect așteptat de multă vreme: prima înregistrare „oficială” sub egida Queen + Adam Lambert.

Deși nu este vorba de un studio pompos, ci de telefoanele mobile ale celor 3 persoane implicate, rezultatul este unul măreț - mai ales prin ceea ce reprezintă, respectiv scopul pentru care a fost realizat.

You Are The Champions” este dedicată celor aflați în primă linie în acest război care parcă a oprit lumea în loc, dar în același timp a pus-o pe fast forward.

Pe lângă vocea de neegalat a lui Adam Lambert, chitara magică a lui Brian May, respectiv consacratele tobe ale lui Roger Taylor, sunt aduse în prim plan imagini care vorbesc de la sine.
Colajul video o surprinde chiar și pe fiica lui Roger, medic în Londra.

Mai multe ne povestește chiar Adam:

Toate fondurile obținute în urma achiziției piesei vor ajunge la Organizația Mondială a Sănătății.

Cităm gândurile celor implicați:

Trupa: „By each playing our part and addressing the difficult times we are all sharing we will win this challenge. During this time our thoughts and thanks are with those dedicated medical heroes standing up to the battle daily on our behalf. They are the champions. You are the champions.”

Brian May: „It seems to me we should dedicate this one to all the front-line soldiers fighting for Humanity against the insurgent coronavirus. Just like our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents who fought for us in two world wars, those brave warriors in the front line are our new CHAMPIONS. That means the doctors, nurses, cleaners, porters, drivers, tea-ladies and gentlemen, and all who are quietly risking their lives daily to save the lives of our kin. CHAMPIONS ALL!!!

Roger Taylor: „As a father with a daughter in the front line, I am ultra-aware of the vital work they are doing daily to save us and our society. Their bravery and sacrifice must not be prejudiced by anything less than a one hundred per cent effort by our governments to protect them. They are precious to us all and they are truly our champions.

Adam Lambert: „It is with the deepest gratitude to all those on the frontline all over the world that we dedicate our performance. Thank you for keeping us safe, we are in awe of your bravery and strength.

Din păcate, având în vedere contextul actual, partea europeană a „Turneului Rapsodiei” a avut de suferit, în sensul că cele 27 de concerte au fost amânate pentru anul viitor.

Redăm în totalitate datele actualizate ale „The Rhapsody Tour”:

10 iulie - Vancouver, Canada
12 iulie - Tacoma, Washington, SUA
14 iulie San Jose, California, SUA
16 iulie - Phoenix, Arizona, SUA
19 iulie - Los Angeles, California, SUA
20 iulie - Los Angeles, California, SUA
23 iulie - Dallas, Texas, SUA
24 iulie Houston, Texas, SUA
27 iulie - Detroit, Michigan, SUA
28 iulie - Toronto, Canada
30 iulie - Washington, DC, SUA
31 iulie - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, SUA
3 august Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, SUA
4 august Boston, Massachusetts, SUA
6 august - New York, New York, SUA
7 august - New York, New York, SUA
9 august Chicago, Illinois, SUA
10 august - Saint Paul, Minnesota, SUA
13 august - Columbus, Ohio, SUA
15 august - Nashville, Tennessee, SUA
17 august - Fort Lauderdale, Florida, SUA
18 august - Tampa, Florida, SUA
20 august New Orleans, Louisiana, SUA
22 august - Atlanta, Georgia, SUA
23 august Charlotte, North Carolina, SUA
18 ianuarie - Seul, Coreea de Sud
19 ianuarie - Seul, Coreea de Sud
25 ianuarie - Tokyo, Japonia
26 ianuarie - Tokyo, Japonia
28 ianuarie - Osaka, Japonia
30 ianuarie - Nagoya, Japonia 
5 februarie - Wellington, Noua Zeelandă
7 februarie - Auckland, Noua Zeelandă
10 februarie - Dunedi, Noua Zeelandă
13 februarie - Brisbane, Australia
15 februarie - Sydney, Australia
19 februarie - Melbourne, Australia
20 februarie - Melbourne, Australia
23 februarie - Perth, Australia
26 februarie - Adelaide, Australia
29 februarie - Gold Coast, Australia
! 2021 !
23 mai Bologna, Italia
26 mai - Paris, Franța
27 mai - Anvers, Belgia
29 mai Amsterdam, Olanda
30 mai - Amsterdam, Olanda
1 iunie - Londra, UK
2 iunie - Londra, UK
4 iunie - Londra, UK
5 iunie - Londra, UK
7 iunie - Londra, UK
8 iunie - Londra, UK
10 iunie - Manchester, UK
11 iunie Manchester, UK
13 iunie - Birmingham, UK
14 iunie Birmingham, UK
16 iunie - Londra, UK
17 iunie - Londra, UK
19 iunie - Londra, UK
20 iunie - Londra, UK
24 iunie - Berlin, Germania
26 iunie Köln, Germania
28 iunie - Zürich, Elveția
29 iunie - München, Germania
1 iulie - Copenhaga, Danemarca
2 iulie - Copenhaga, Danemarca
6 iulie - Madrid, Spania
7 iulie - Madrid, Spania


English Review - Adam Lambert's 4th studio album - "Velvet"

The wait is over for Adam Lambert's fans.

After 5 years, he released a new studio album, the forth of his solo career - "Velvet", under More Is More and Empire, with producers like Tommy EnglishJoe JaniakSteve Booker, Josh Cumbee, Butch Walker or Fred Ball.
The executive producer of the material is Adam Lambert.

The EP includes 13 songs and was put out on March 20th available on all platforms.

Just before the album, Adam released the music video of the title track, where we watch him as a tailor from the '70s.
"Velvet" is the gate to the new era, the start of a different style -a nostalgic one-, that reminds us of the music's golden years and artists like PrinceGeorge Michael, David Bowie or Boy George.

"Superpower" was the first official single of "Velvet:Side A", a song with disco-funk influences (also) from the '70s  and a colorful music video filmed last year in Brooklyn, New York.

"Stranger You Are" was released together with "Velvet: Side A" șand includes many rock influences and trumpets, contouring the so-called "anthem of the different".
It had very positive feedback from the mass-media, but also in the social media, becoming the opening song of the shows that Adam had in the USA at the end of last year.

"Loverboy" ifunkysensual and brings Prince vibes, according to the many reviews (that place it on the EP's top 3 favourite songs).

"Roses" is the only collaboration of the album, a funk track that wears the signature of Nile Rodgers, with whom Adam has worked before on songs like "Shady" (2012 - album "Trespassing") or "Lay Me Down" (2013 - released by AVICII on the album "True").

"Closer To You" is definitely the album's big ballad, part of "Velvet: Side A” - EP released last autumn.
The piano is the element that offers its sensibility, while the focus the is on the vocals and lyrics.

"Overglow” is the track that most outlines the '80s influences, being one of the most popular on the album.
Just like the previous one, it was released together with the first part of the discograhpic material.

"Comin In Hot" was presented in June 2019 together with its music video,  which was the second part of the "Velvet" series, initiated by "New Eyes".
The track is dominated by the strong bass and illustrated the glam rock era.

"On The Moon" is, after "Velvet", the second unrevealed song until the album's release.
Mysterious, sensual, atmospheric. It sort of reminds us of  "Broken English" or "Nirvana" -album "Trespassing (2012)- or "Voodoo" (album "For Your Entertainment" - 2009).

"Love Don't" is, according to Adam, the most technically diffcult song to perform. He also mentioned that he would love to perform it live with Queen.
There are many rock influences from the '70s, as well as many of the artist's signature high notes.

"Ready To Run" is the ending track of "Velvet: Side A", considered to be the EP's song with the most rock elements.

"New Eyes" - released a year ago as a single, together with its musical video, was the one who visually introduced us to the new era.
There we have Adam with a whole new look, accordingly to the '70s influences (Prince, David Bowie).

"Feel Something" gave us the first taste of the album, shared by Adam on February 2019, when he wrote an emotional letter to his fans.
The song is truly special - its title also represents the artist's new project, "The Feel Something Foundation". 

Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus pandemic, all the further promotional events have suffered cancellation/postponement.

"Velvet" was presented to the media through a minipromo tour that Adam has had last year in countries like Germany, the UK, Australia and the USA

Adam's discography includes: "For Your Entertainment" (2009), "Trespassing" (2012), "The Original High" (2015).
Here's a throwback to his main singles:
