Wednesday, April 29, 2015

A fost lansat și videoclipul piesei „Ghost Town”

Ghost Town” este primul single al celui de-al treilea album semnat Adam LambertThe Original High”.

La o săptămână de la lansarea piesei, Adam Lambert ne prezintă videoclipul acesteia, sub regia lui Hype Williams.

Filmările au avut loc în urmă cu aproximativ două saptămâni, iar majoritatea celor implicați (dansatori, modele etc.) fac parte din anturajul lui Adam, care mărturisește că și-a dorit ca toată această experiență să fie cât se poate de familială.

Mai multe detalii în interviul de mai jos:


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Adam Lambert câștigă categoria „Music Icon” la LGBT British Awards

Vineri, 24 aprilie, a avut loc ceremonia premiilor  britanice care au ca scop recunoașterea personalităților din lumea artistică  sau organizațiilor ce vin în susținerea drepturilor egale și a non-discriminării membrilor comunității LGBT („lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender community”).

Adam Lambert a obținut premiul „Music Icon”, fiind nominalizat alături de Boy George, Sam Smith, Olly Murs, Pet Shop Boys, Lady Gaga, Annie Lennox și Miley Cyrus.

Neputând asista la ceremonia desfășurată în Londra, Adam a pregătit un mic discurs ce a fost proiectat ulterior.

Adam Lambert nu se află la prima recunoaștere pentru munca lui în cadrul comunității LGBT, fiind cunoscut de mulți ani ca activist în lupta pentru egalitate.

În continuare vă prezentăm câteva filmulețe din cadrul diverselor evenimente la care a luat parte:


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

„The Original High” ocupă primele poziții în iTunes România (#1 Albume Pop, #3 Albume)

Deși este doar în pre-order, albumul „The Original High” a debutat spectaculos la nivel mondial.

Primul single, „Ghost Town” a fost lansat oficial ieri și este disponibil, de asemenea, pe iTunes.

Pe YouTube se găsește chiar aici:

România este surpiza cea mai mare în ceea ce privește noua eră a lui Adam Lambert, albumul aflându-se 
momentan pe locul 1 la categoria Albume Pop, respectiv pe locul 3 la nivel general.

Single-ul „Ghost Town” se află deocamdată pe locul 18.

La nivel mondial, lucrurile stau în felul următor:


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Adam Lambert a lansat „Ghost Town”

În urmă cu câteva ore a fost lansat „Ghost Town”, primul single de pe „The Original High”, cel de-al treilea album solo al lui Adam Lambert.

Piesa poate fi ascultată chiar aici:

Ghost Town” a primit deja nenumărate recenzii pozitive din partea mass-media și a radio-urilor din SUA și nu numai, fiind catalogat ca Viitorul muzicii pop”,  „Piesa verii” sau „Mare hit”.

Albumul „The Original High” -sub producătorii executivi Max Martin și Shellback- va apărea pe 16 iunie, coperta și tracklist-ul fiind deja publicate.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Queen și Adam Lambert își extind turneul spre America de Sud

În urma unui comunicat de presă de pe site-ul oficial al trupei au fost anunțate date noi pentru ceea ce va fi turneul sud-american marca Queen+Adam Lambert.

Primul mare eveniment despre care se vorbește de ceva vreme este festivalul „Rock in Rio” (Rio de Janeiro, Brazilia), aflat la cea de-a 30-a aniversare și care îi va avea pe Queen și Adam Lambert pe scena principală din seara deschiderii, pe 18 septembrie 2015.

Trupa Queen a deschis și prima ediție a festivalului, în 11 ianuarie 1985, prestând în fața a 250 000 de oameni. Show-ul televizat a fost difuzat în peste 60 de țări, Queen ocupând primele locuri în topurile braziliene, iar „Love Of My Life” a devenit atunci un nou „imn” al Braziliei.

Au mai fost confirmate aici:

 São Paolo, Brazilia (16 septembrie)
Porto Alegre, Brazilia (21 septembrie)
Buenos Aires, Argentina (25 septembrie)
Santiago, Chile (30 septembrie)


Monday, April 13, 2015

Highlights of the European Q&AL Tour

After a long time waiting for them, the European fans finally could make their dream come true. 
2015 started with “rock royalty Queen & the amazing "Gift from God"American frontman Adam Lambert touring most parts of the continent. 

25 concerts in 10 countries.

The first stop was in Newcastle (UK) on January 13th. 

There were a lot of memorable moments, so we decided to pick some of them and remember together this amazing part of their and our lives.

There we go!

One Vision

This gives us high levels of adrenaline maybe because it’s the opening song, the one that brings Queen & Adam Lambert on stage
It’s a high-energy beat and the lights, the sound and the stupendous gold and leather outfit simply take your breath away.

This one opens one of the most special gigs of the tour, definitely.

Kӧln, Germany (January 29th)

Talking about Kӧln, this was the nicest moment of the night. 
I’m sure it’s pretty amazing to have more than 15 000 people singing „Happy Birthday” for you. 
Adam’s face says everything.

Stone Cold Crazy

Energy, energy, energy.
Let’s get crazy!”...and so it goes!

Leeds, UK (January 20th)

Another One Bites The Dust

Favourite funky beats, for sure. And those moves...

Nottingham, UK (January 24th)

Fat Bottomed Girls

Mmm this one is really special. What a night!
I can see myself there in the first row...and still can't believe I took part of that show. 

"That's right, Vienna!"


Vienna, Austria (February 1st)

In The Lap Of The Gods
Amazing lights and effects!

Seven Seas of Rhye

"Are you ready?"

Killer Queen
Definitely one of the favourite moments of the audiences all over. He's got all the ingredients needed.
Pure joy!

Honesty, humbleness, love and full respect for Freddie. All coming from this amazing artist and human being. 
Audience's feedback says it all.

I Want To Break Free

Freddie's and also Adam's anthem for the need of being able to be who you wanna be in this world full of superficiality.
Lovely his way of interaction with fans.

London1, UK (January 17th)

Don't Stop Me Now

One of Queen's biggest hits.

Wembley was a great audience!

London3, UK (February 24th)

Somebody To Love

"Who is in love? I'm not... 

Yeah, sometimes being on tour is very lonely..but I have you guys tonight, yeah?
And I'm getting through a little cold, but you're the best medicine. So thank you!"

Remember when Adam was diagnosed with severe bronchitis? Well, this was his first show right after the one they unfortunately cancelled.

All I can say is...HOLY VOCALS!

Milan, Italy (February 10th)

Love Of My Life

This song is a symbol for Queen.

I still have in mind this moment. Brian's "Don't be shy!" was so cute!
He is simply adorable! Great example for all the artists!

Prague, Czech Republic (February 17th)


Brian May gives a lesson of astrophysics and presents the "astronauts".

What a great team!

Frankfurt, Germany (February 7th)

These Are The Days Of Our Lives

This brings a lot of memories to everyone: Brian, Roger, Queen fans.

Roger's vocals are admirable.

Manchester, UK (January 21th)

A Kind Of Magic

Written and sung by Roger Taylor

Zürich, Switzerland (February 19th)

Bass Solo
Drum Battle

Neil Fairclough on the bass becomes the spotlight and right after the "battle" between Roger and Rufus gets full appreciation.

Milan, Italy (February 10th)

Under Pressure

What an amazing duet! Beautiful collaboration!

Paris, France (January 26th)

Save Me

Personal favourite song.

The a cappella part is breathtaking.
Soulful, touching, meaningful.

Been there, lived that!

Vienna, Austria (February 1st)

Who Wants To Live Forever

Perfection in both Adam's voice and Brian's guitar.
The lasers and the crystal ball make this moment even more special.

Stuttgart, Germany (February 13th)

Guitar Solo

Guitar God  Mr Brian May in all his glory.

Amsterdam, The Netherlands (January 30th)

Tie Your Mother Down

Young Mr Taylor doing great job while the audience is being prepared for the upcoming part of the gig.

Berlin, Germany (February 4th)


Some of my personal favourite minutes of the tour.

Adam loves playing with the audiences, but Hamburg was really impressive!
See the feedback? That's an audience! And a great entertainerLook at his happy face!

Hamburg, Germany (February 5th)

Dragon Attack

Sung only a few times through the European tour, the Polish had the opportunity to get funky with these beats.

Krakow, Poland (February 21th)

I Want It All

First of all, I love the message of the song. It's universal...timeless.
The beginning was praised by everyone. Adam and Brian sound divine!

Herning, Denmark (February 15th)

Radio Gaga


Vienna, Austria (February 1st)

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Haha, this is so funny!

Great response to Brian May's "Qu'est-ce que vous pensez...?". And finally the "trés chic" is the cherry on top.

It's pretty obvious that French people enjoyed the concert and loved Adam as well!

Paris, France (January 26th)

The Show Must Go On

Another majestic Queen song, unfortunately also played only a few times.

That end...!

Hamburg, Germany (February 5th)

Bohemian Rhapsody

Beautiful and complex song.
Freddie's appearance makes the audiences go crazy and the final "duet" of Adam and Freddie is touching.

Also, can't help thinking of Adam's audition on American Idol in 2009...this is the song that practically changed his entire life.

Newcastle, UK (January 13th)

We Will Rock You

We Are The Champions

The classic end of their shows with two of the most popular songs.

The final outfit with the crown on Adam's head presenting the King of Queen. 
The bows along with the roaring audience.

The end of an incredible night and tour.

Sheffield, UK (February 27th)


Adam in the crowd

Adorable! No more words needed.

Kӧln, Germany (January 29th)

London3, UK (February 24th)

Leeds, UK (January 20th)

Amsterdam, The Netherlands (January 30th)

Royal experience, for sure!

Thank you Queen & Adam Lambert for these amazing moments
