Friday, February 20, 2015

Q&AL in Prague (17.02.2015) - English Review

[Here you can find 76 HD photos from the concert.]

After the Vienna concert I was resigned and satisfied with the idea that I saw them live once (and for the first time ever and that’s it) idea crossed my mind and in no time it was a fact. I had 2 tickets for Prague, one for me and one for my mother, who had just celebrated her birthday few days ago. So I thought this would be the most original and unexpectable present ever...and it was!

By the way, here you can find the review from the Austrian concert.

On Tuesday, after a long but funny trip, we finally got to Prague. I have to mention again the Hungarian group because we joined it and had great time together. Amazing people!

First thing to insist on: the czech guards! Soooo nice! This time I wasn’t bothered and interrupted by them during the concert because I wasn’t allowed to take pictures (even if they mentioned this on the tickets and also on the doors of the Arena). They didn’t care about any camera, so I am thankful to them. In your face, Austrian a$$holes!

This time I wasn’t in the front row...I wanted to capture (in all ways) the moments from the B stage, so I was standing few rows further than in Vienna. Because of my height I couldn’t see almost anything from the main stage, so the screens were my salvation haha

I saw a very happy GFG, he was in such a good mood! I know he is always smiling and makes people laugh, but this time he was even more lovely than usual. I was so relieved to see him in a much better health condition, but still he has to take good care of him. He enjoyed so much interacting with the audience, even if it wasn’t the most responsive. Where I was standing there were a lot of enthusiastic people and  they screamed a lot, especially for Adam. Also, I was surrounded by elder Queen fans who were more silent, but really appreciative to Adam when Brian asked about “the new man.”

Brian May was such a sweetheart! This man is so kind and humble!
He encouraged the audience to sing with him on “Love of my life” saying “Don’t be shy!” and right after came the selfie stick moment when he made us laugh so hard saying “I have a new instrument, ladies and’s not exactly a musical instrument. [...] I love this! This is serious shit!

I enjoyed a lot “’39”, “Days Of Our Lives” and “A Kind of Magic” and I was really impressed by Roger’s vocals. He’s also such a nice person. And I loved “Under Presure”. I will say it again...both Roger and Brian have a special relationship with Adam. They really are a family. There’s confidence, love, care and fun. It’s simply wonderful to watch them. Such a perfect match!

Rufus will be a great drummer, that’s for sure.

I wanted to mention some highlights of the concert, but I would have to write about each moment of the night, so I will make a resume of the concert in general. 
It was such an honour to see this amazing band live, again. I am still overwhelmed and I’m wondering if this was only a dream.  I didn’t have the chance to see Queen live yet until this amazing tour. There are so many fans in the same situation and that’s why they are grateful to Adam. He gave this band the light and power to get back on stage and also gave their fans the opportunity to see them and enjoy this blessed experience.

Adam Lambert still can surprise me. I mean, I am perfectly aware of his qualities for a long time, but is it possible for him to get better and better? Oh, definitely yes! The vocals were astonishing and the faces he made were more than lovely and funny. This man knows how to entertain people and made everyone love him and respect him. And that’s something! I feel so proud! He’s been through so many struggles...I feel that he deserves this and more!
His evolution is amazing...I’m sure we’ll see it in his new album. Or even more in his next tour. He is a complete artist. And an impressive entertainer. And an extremely beautiful human being, inside and outside.
So I just want to thank him for sharing with us his soul... his beauty, joy, laughs and smiles all come from his inside.

Thank you Roger, Brian, Rufus, Spike and Neil for another unforgettable night and also thank you for making my mother’s birthday gift so special. After the concert she wrote something I want to share with you: 
For the people in my generation, Queen remains a symbol. It’s incredible the way they perform even now. You wouldn’t say that so many years have passed. Who is even more surprising is the one who makes the show go on, just like Freddie Mercury wished - the frontman Adam Lambert, who gives Queen life and glow, a charismatic person, full of talent, with an incredible voice. I totally recommend you to watch them, if possible. A live show is something that photographs or videos can’t offer.


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Review Concert Queen și Adam Lambert - Viena, 01.02.2015

[Aici găsiți 63 de poze HD de la concert.]

Nu are rost să traduc ceea ce am scris aici , însă vreau să subliniez niște aspecte mai personale.

Pentru cei care nu au mai fost niciodată la un concert Queen/Adam Lambert/Q+AL, e o experiență incredibilă.  Vă recomand cu cea mai mare căldură să mergeți la unul din concertele care urmează ca să vă lămuriți singuri.
Personal, am urmărit turneul lor pe Youtube încă de la primul concert din SUA, de pe 19 iunie și chiar dacă știam în mare parte ce și cum, să fii acolo, în aceeași încăpere cu ei îți dă o stare pe care Youtube-ul o fură. Sunetul te vrăjește, luminile sunt absolut fabuloase, iar să vezi de aproape superbii ochi ai lui Adam Lambert, pletele lui Brian May sau pe Roger Taylor dând totul pe „drum battle” e -parafrazând- o „experiență regală”.

Îmi pare foarte rău că nu am dat de români, cel puțin la coada la care m-am așezat. În schimb, vecinii maghiari au dominat toate cozile, așa că tot respectul.
Am văzut persoane de toate vârstele, chiar și un Adam în miniatură - un băiețel de 6-7 ani care își aștepta rândul împreună cu părinții și purta ochelari de soare în genul celor pe care îi poartă Adam în deschiderea concertului. Desigur, părul îi era perfect aranjat conform tiparului și avea o atitudine impunătoare. Ah, și unghiile date cu ojă neagră. M-a amuzat teribil. Sper să îl fi observat Adam.

Au fost mulți fani Queen foarte sceptici. Că veni vorba, în autocarul  spre Viena am vizionat DVD-ul „Glam Nation Live” și am văzut fețe și fețe. În sinea mea așteptam concluziile referitoare la Adam...după concertul din seara respectivă. Evident, n-a mai menționat nimeni nimic. Și tăcerea e un răspuns!
La concert am avut chiar lângă mine 2 austrieci, mari fani Queen, care spuneau că nu l-au văzut niciodată pe Adam și că se așteaptă la ceva incomparabil cu epoca lor de aur. Ei bine, și aceștia au amuțit. Din când în când îmi mai aruncau priviri de uimire. Am savurat la maxim!

Singura mare frustrare pe care o am este că încă suntem o țară cu o populație majoritar învechită ca și mentalități și diverse concepții asupra vieții și omului în general. Cred că am fost subtilă și clară în același timp. Pânâ când aceste lucruri nu se vor ameliora, pierdem foarte mult. Adam Lambert e „legenda generației noastre”, cum spunea după concert o fană Queen ce a văzut dincolo de orgoliu sau orice altceva. Frumos spus. Și este adevărat. Oare când i se vor recunoaște calitățile artistice? Sunt atâtea astfel de exemple în rândul marilor personalități...și la majoritatea aprecierile și recunoașterile au început să apară după ce au părăsit lumea asta. Nu e corect. Nu merită asta.

Adam e o voce unică, inegalabilă în momentul de față, o prezență incrdibil de șarmantă și plăcută. E un entertainer de nota 10. Cine afirmă că nu s-a distrat la concertul ăsta necesită -cu tot respectul- un consult psihiatric.

Da, Freddie Mercury e unic (doar fiecare om pe planeta asta e unic, nu?!). Rămâne un artist nemaipomenit. Asta nu se va schimba niciodată. Ce nu vor sa vadă mulți (și e păcat!) e faptul că tot ce își dorește Adam este să îi mențină vie memoria, activitatea și personalitatea care a fost.
Speech-ul lui de după „Killer Queen” a fost cea mai frumoasă dovadă de modestie, dar și de infinit respect ce îi poartă lui Freddie. Și cred că cei din public au simțit și apreciat foarte mult treaba asta.

Brian May și Roger Taylor sunt legende, fără doar și poate. Mie-mi par mai vii ca niciodată, chit că au deja o vârstă. Emană atâta energie! Sunt printre cei mai pasionați muzicieni pe care i-am văzut vreodată. Te revigorează doar privindu-i.

Rufus Taylor calcă frumos pe urmele tatălui. E simpatic, așa timid cum e.

Neil Fairclough și Spike Edney sunt alți 2 instrumentiști extrem de talentați. Deși sunt oarecum „eclipsați”, își fac frumos treaba și contribuie cu succes la echipa campionilor.

În final, vreau să concluzionez că a fost o experiență extraordinară, de neuitat, de povestit nepoților.

Mulțumiri infinite pentru cea mai frumoasă seară din ultimii...mulți ani!


Monday, February 2, 2015

Q&AL in Vienna (01.02.2015) - English Review

[Here you can find 63 HD photos from the concert.]

First of all, I have to say that it was the first time ever seing Queen or Adam live on stage.

The conclusion? Both Queen and Adam Lambert get a lot of benefits from this collaboration. Queen sounds fresh and looks fresh. There are the new generations that discover their songs only now and there are the old fans getting the chance to enjoy again the beautiful music of the legendary band. Keeping alive their work even now, after more than 40 years is wonderful. Adam also gained huge popularity through this tour and I dare to say that he won a lot of supporters. It was finally the time for the world to discover him. Glamberts, do you know the feeling when you convert a totally die-hard Queen fan? Well, then you know what I mean. This is helpful for Adam’s future. He still needs to “grow” worldwide.

Getting now to the Vienna concert, all I can say is that it was an experience I will never forget. It sounds so cliché, but listening to such a powerful, playful, touching and simply unbelievable voice is not an everyday activity for me. Wish it could be!
Adam’s a beauty. Really! I had straight boys around me being impressed and charmed by Adam. He’s so slim! (I hope he finally gets it haha.) What a mover, I have to say! He improved a lot these last couple of years. What an attitude! His way of entertaining people is amazing. It is impossible not to have fun and feel great around him. Pure talent! And hotness!
Shaking his hand on “Radio Gaga” was Adamgasmic! I would have just stared into his hypnotic eyes! When he looks directly to you, you’re blocked. I had some eye contacts with him and he looked so deep into my eyes! It was shocking! Shivers!
He looked so happy! I don’t know (or care) what happened those last days, but I felt such a positive energy from his heart! It made me happy too, instantly.

About Roger and Brian I got to say I was impressed by their energy. They were so refreshing! I mean, I hope to be as active as they are at their age. They ran on the stage, played a lot, especially Adam & Brian. So cute!
Musically, they are legends for sure. So much passion! Brian May was amazing, although he was still sick. He had tears in his eyes during the whole moment of “Love of my life” and he appreciated several times the audience for their feedback. Beautiful!
Rufus - Daddy’s boy! What an energy he brought! Oh, genetics! He’s so shy and cute at the same time. So lovely!
Neil and Spike complete the champions team being not so in the spot like the others, but still amazing musicians. Full respect!

Highlights of the night:

  • ·              Save Me - the most heart-to-heart song, at least for me.

               *FunFact: Right next to me there was a couple of “100% Queen fans” that didn’t know which song was until Adam got to the chorus. They googled the setlist haha. And finally they were blown away by the moment. YAS!

·         AOBTD & FBG - obviously for the moves...I mean, catchy beats. Oh my...

·         Killer Queen - those faces! He’s hilarious. Couldn’t stop laughing. The speech after it was, as usual, the supreme proof of love, respect and admiration Adam has for Freddie. He was honest and the audience felt it.

·         Radio Gaga - I’m subjective, obviously, but I love the song’s message and even more touching Adam’s hand. Seriously, the audience is all in the chorus and the clapping was really memorable.

               *FunFact: Saturday night when I left home and took a taxi, I met a very curious driver who wanted to know where I was going. Finishing the words “To the Queen & Adam Lambert concert”, Radio Gaga started on the radio he was listening to. I was shocked. The driver also
haha. It was the sign!

·         WWTLF - Divine! Adam seems to communicate with the gods through those amazing breathtaking lasers and lights. And the guitar is fabulous!

·         In The Lap Of The Gods - not only because of the holy vocals, but the atmosphere is so special! Also love the lights and all the effects. Wow!

·         Sing-along - I love to see Adam’s satisfied face when he gets the audience totally involved and giving him the feedback required.

·         Bohemian Rhapsody - It touches my soul hearing him singing again the song that brought him here. I feel so proud!

·         WWRY/WATC - I love the atitude he had. That satisfaction on his face while singing “I've had my share of sand kicked in my face/But I've come through.

            Actually, each and every moment of the concert was special and unforgettable.
[    [EXCEPTION: I argued 4 times with the Austrian guards because they told me not to take pictures. They interrupted me while Somebody To Love, In The Lap of The Gods and Love of My Life. And everytime they saw me in action. Wow, what a crime I comitted! Big idiots!]
      Finally, I want to thank God (and Leila & Eber) for giving us such an amazing, multi-gifted,   beautiful and inspirational person!
         And infinite gratitude to Brian May & Roger Taylor for giving him a chance...The Chance!

                                              Thank God for this unique experience!

       PD: Special thanks to the Hungarian girls I met in Vienna, part of them known as “the luckiest girls alive” haha. I still envy you, but in a good way! Köszönöm szépen for being so cute, passionate, friendly and funny. You made me feel 16 again.
     Also grateful for all the people I met at the arena from Austria, Poland and so on. Such a multi-cultural night!
           Hope to see you again.
